Cookies policy

Article 1er - General Provisions

The company uses cookies and similar technologies, such as tags and pixels, to optimize the user experience of registered visitors and customers (hereafter: the user) on the website under the following domains:

The specific purposes of using cookies are defined in detail in Article 3.


Article 2 – Identification cookies

2.1.A cookie is a small file that is stored on the user's device. It allows the company to identify the user's device and makes it possible to use various features of the website, including connecting to the user's account.

2.2. On the user's first visit to the website, a notification bar will be displayed on the first page to draw the user's attention to the existence of the cookies and offer the user the opportunity to either continue his visit to the website without disabling the cookies, or to leave the website, or to continue his visit to the website by disabling one or more cookies.

2.3. If the user does not wish to receive cookies, they can change the settings of the device's browser using which they visit the website. If the user visits the website without changing the settings of his browser, he will be expected to accept the receipt of all cookies on the website. The user should take into account that the user experience and/or functionality of the website will not be optimal/will not work optimally without the cookies.


Article 3 - Justification of Treatment

3.1. The company processes each processing of personal data in accordance with the European Parliament and Council Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with respect to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as set out in the website's privacy policy. The user also agrees that the company has access to the data collected via cookies and that the company records that data. The registration of or access to this information is a processing of personal data in order to achieve the objectives set out in this cookie policy and in the privacy policy.

3.2. The user of the website can, at any time and free of charge, withdraw consent by disabling cookies by sending a written request to the address mentioned in our privacy policy


Article 4 - User Rights

In accordance with the privacy policy, the user has at all times the right to access and correction on the data that concerns him and which has been collected through cookies. It also has the right to object free of charge to any processing of this data and/or transfer of this data to third parties for the purpose of promoting products and services. The user can also request the correction or deletion of data of an inaccurate or incomplete personal nature or of data that is no longer relevant. The user also has the right to ask the company to delete its personal data or limit its processing, as well as the right to object to processing and the right to portability of the data.



Article 5 - Preservation delays

The company will retain the user's personal data processed via cookies for the entire period during which the website or subsequent versions of the user using the same personal data will be online. The time to store personal data processed via third-party cookies is defined by the privacy policy of the cookies concerned.


Article 6 - Claims

The user still has the right to make any claim regarding data leaks or alleged violation of his privacy through the use of cookies by the company with the Belgian data protection authority via the following contact details:

Data Protection Authority


Address:    Rue de la presse 35, 1000 Brussels

Tel.:           32 (0)2 274 48 00               

Fax:           +32 (0)2 274 48 35             


Site web:


Article 7 - Third-party cookies

Potential trusted partners place advertisements on the website and sometimes also store cookies on the device of the user who visited the website. Users should consult the company privacy policy above if they wish to be aware of how cookies are used and whether or not to consent to their privacy policies.


Article 8 - Types of cookies used

8.1. The company uses two types of cookies: persistent cookies and session cookies. A persistent cookie is generated as soon as the user logs in using an account. The next time the user visits the website on the same device, the persistent cookie will allow the company to recognize the user as an existing user, so that the user no longer has to log in each time to browse the website.

8.2. A session cookie is used to identify a specific visit to the website. Session cookies expire after a short period of time or as soon as the user closes the browser through which they visited the website.

8.3. The company can use other technologies such as Adobe Flash to place the functional equivalent of a cookie on the user's device.

8.4. The company may generate cookies when the user visits the website or cookies may be generated by other websites or services that run this content on the page viewed by the user on the website(third-partycookies).


Article 9 - Cookie Finals

9.1. Cookies the company uses provide information about the time of day the user visits the website and the user's preferences. The company also uses cookies to improve the user experience on the website. Cookies make interactions with the website safer and faster. They ensure that the user experience is consistent with the user's custom settings.


9.2. The company uses cookies for a variety of purposes:

§  Check

The company uses cookies to find out when the user is connected, so that the correct information can be displayed on the screen and the user can benefit from a personalized user experience.

§  Security

The company uses cookies to support or activate the security features applied by the company and to help the company detect malicious activity.

§  Preferences, functions and services

The company uses cookies to learn the user's language and communication preferences and to help the user complete forms on the website. Cookies also provide user-friendly content and functionality.

§  Benefits, analysis and research

The company uses cookies to collect information on website services and possibleplug-insaround the world. The company also uses cookies to understand, improve and analyze products, functions and services, also when the user accesses the website from other websites, apps or devices, such as a device that is not the user's property or a mobile device (smartphone or tablet).